About The Path

Welcome to “The Path – The Walk of a Disciple”

This is a blog site with one intentional goal –  to uplift, encourage, provoke thought, and share a little fun.  All shared with a christian emphasis because that’s just who I am.

Proverbs 4:26Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established.

I chose this verse as The Path’s tagline simply because it speaks volumes to me.  I find its message plain and simple but yet strong in meaning and relevant for life application.  Which goes something like this:

  • Ponder the path of your feet – says, stop and think.  Where are you in life?  And where do you want to go?  It causes self evaluation.  And if we find that we do not like where we are, then we need to alter our path, and get back on track to where we want to be.
  • Let all your ways be established – this conveys that the direction of our path is directly effected by what our life is established in.  And in that establishment all our ways are generated.  So if it’s established in selfishness, then our path will reflect it.  If it is in service to the Lord, then our path will reflect that.

A good friend of mine asked, “What made you want to start a blog?”  The answer was simple. I simply want to encourage, offer hope, and bring readers to a place that makes them think beyond religious lines while sharing some laughs along the way.  If I accomplish that, then writing The Path is worth my time, if not, then I need to locate the delete button and be done with it.

I understand that this site isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay, but for those who choose to visit, I hope that you’ll have fun and find the content encouraging, informational and thought provoking.

I look forward to making new friends, and welcome your participation.  Feel free to leave your footprints on The Path and don’t be bashful about leaving a comment.  Feedback is prized!

Oh, and one more thing….feel free to share.  The more we can encourage each other the stronger we become.  Iron sharpens Iron.

Pleasant readings


9 thoughts on “About The Path

    • Hi Anne! It’s great to hear from you and exciting to see another writer online! I love your quote on your about me section, ” I try love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. And it’s not easy. Being a Christian is not easy, but it’s worth the price paid.” I couldn’t have said it any better.

      I am also linking your site. Young parents need encouragement and your site offers that. Keep up the good work. – Donna


  1. Hey Donna, I stumbled onto your “path” today when our tags matched up. We have some common writings and passions. I look forward to more of your work. Praise to God!!! Blessings to you and yours!!



  2. To All,
    Since I am related to Donna as a cousin, I have had the opportunity to see her character, personality and tendencies while growing up. In our childhoods, I saw Donna as energetic, vocal, curious about everything, and likely to “rat on me” if I had done something unwise (OK,,,,,,rotten).

    Now I get to see the “new” Donna, the Donna with Christ inside. Her “About Me” page really describes her well- An optimistic, “everything observer”, that loves Jesus.

    I predict that the more you get to know her, the more you are going to like her.

    To Donna,
    God has given you some precious gifts. I think this is a great way to share some of those.
    I have seen you walk with Him as you have faced difficult trials, and have seen your faith shine through all the while.
    You will be a blessing to many as you listen to, pray with, and point others to our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
    I love you as a cousin, and love you even more as my sister in Christ.



Path walking is always enriched when joined by others. Won't you leave your footprints along the way?